Continuously evolving travel trends drive change in the interests and expectations of our visitors. HHBRTA helps tourism businesses see their products and experiences through the consumer lens to assess and adapt their offering to meet industry standards for market and visitor readiness. These standards include:
BUSINESS-to-Consumer Market Readiness Requirements
- Ensure ease of location, including wayfinding signage with the visitor in mind
- Encourage longer stays by featuring where to stay and accessibility considerations
- Creating a welcoming environment
business-to-consumer visitor readiness requirements
- Maintain a staffed business location, displaying a set of operating business operation days and hours
- Have the ability to accept reservations and address visitor inquiries by email, internet, or telephone/fax year-round
- Have the ability to respond to all inquiries and/or confirm booking arrangements within 24-48 hours, and preferably within one business day
- Provide contact information that is available to the visitor, as well as an email contact
- Have a current website that is user-friendly and provides current products and/or services
- If you are a seasonal business, display off-season closures but offer an automated response through both voicemail and email
- Understand what having a “Sense of Arrival” means and how you can adopt these principles