HHBRTA’s Regional Tourism Award Recognition Program recognizes and celebrates regional tourism industry partners and operators excelling in product development, business innovation, partnerships/ collaborations, sustainability, and job creation/workforce development.

The 2024 HHB Regional Tourism Award Recognition Program is now open. If you have a new experience or product, or initiative borne from partnerships and collaboration, or a sustainable project or business change, we want to celebrate! Self-nominations are welcome.

All finalists will be invited the attend our annual Southern Ontario Tourism Conference and honoured during the Awards Dinner.

Thank you to everyone that applied for our Recognition Program this year and we will be in touch soon.

Innovative Tourism Award

This award recognizes a tourism business or organization that has demonstrated innovation in developing a new or enhanced tourism product or visitor experience. The new offering should be tourism focused, open to the public and contribute to a better regional visitor experience. 

Partnership & Collaboration Award

This award recognizes a partnered initiative (including a tourism experience, product or marketing campaign) that successfully attracts and encourages visitors to experience the Hamilton Halton Brant region. Partnerships can include collaboration with private and/or public sector entities.

Sustainable Tourism Award

Sustainability is a deciding factor for more and more visitors when choosing their travel experiences. This Award recognizes demonstrated innovation from tourism industry partners/organizations who are leading the way to advance sustainable tourism through their business structure, process, product offerings and/or community involvement. We have updated this award from ‘Responsible Tourism’ to ‘Sustainable Tourism’ to reflect the multi-faceted sustainability journey that looks different for every business and partner but remains an important consideration for all.